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In A Few Minutes

Jun 25, 2021

Would you invite someone to dinner that no one has ever heard of? That YOU’VE never even heard of? NosillaCast Podcast’s Allison Sheridan does, and the reason will blow your mind. Please, enjoy Allison Sheridan’s Dinner Party - In a Few Minutes

Jun 24, 2021

NosillaCast Podcast’s Allison Sheridan and Ken talk about great stories. They can change the world, you know? Anyway - that’s the rumor. Once Upon a Time starts In a Few Minutes

Jun 23, 2021

Decidedly lighter fare today - NosillaCast Podcast’s Allison Sheridan and I have a rambling conversation about taking off our masks and heading to various Apple Stores. Having fun DTLA-style - In a Few Minutes

Jun 22, 2021

Ken thinks Apple should stop saying it believes privacy is a fundamental human right if it’s going to keep dealing with China. NosillaCast Podcast’s Allison Sheridan disagrees. Hear them discuss it - In a Few Minutes

Jun 21, 2021

NosillaCast Podcast’s Allison Sheridan joins us this week. News that LG stores in South Korea may start selling iPhone has piqued her interest. That makes it News to Allison - In a Few Minutes