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In A Few Minutes

Aug 31, 2020

While you may be excited about Macs running Apple Silicon, it’s the transition to Apple Silicon that’s grabbed the attention of Mac Geek Gab’s Dave Hamilton. Of course, he’s excited about the hardware, too. Hear him kick some thoughts around with Ken - In a Few Minutes

Aug 28, 2020

The last place on earth! One song from now on! Tales of his favorite mug! The Digital Media Zone’s Richard Gunther spins the “Wheel of Stuff!” - In a Few Minutes

Aug 27, 2020

What do Apple and Xiaomi have in common? If you said “Apple’s designs,” you’re funny. Xiaomi started off selling low-cost hardware with the hopes of selling loads of services. With talk of 5G iPhones keeping the same price points as today’s iPhones, could Apple be making a similar play? “Home: On” host...

Aug 26, 2020

After a short detour through security and Internet of Things things, "Home: On" host Richard Gunther and Ken talk rebranding for Beats 1 Radio, the new stations on Apple Music, and whether branding for Beats headphones is going away.

Aug 25, 2020

What's News to Richard? The amazing run for Apple shares - $497 when we had this conversation on 23 August. Since then, shares have burst well above $500. What's going on? It's News to Richard Gunther - In a Few Minutes